Oh honey.
Do you feel it?
The pull to come back home to yourself?
To stop chasing the healing...
The accomplishments...
Well...I mean...I do enjoy *stuff*!
Quality sheets...cashmere...handmade pottery...ðŸ¤
But at the end of the day, you and I both know that that STUFF is not what it is about.
It is also not about fixing, finding, acquiring, or crossing some finish line in life.
If you are like me, you have been front row with more illnesses and deaths in the last few years than you care to count.
If you are like me, you are watching as the world seems to be dismantling itself and as scary as it might feel...
...it is also a bit relieving.
No more business as usual.
No more pretending like there is a better time to be the woman you are.
No more putting off deeply experiencing life --- however simple your life might be or feel.
Life is 100% about this now moment...so what are you up to RIGHT NOW?
The investment for the weekend, September 28-29 includes:
S.S. - Colorado